Tuesday, May 14, 2013

If I leave??

it's about me!
when I'm in college, my teachers say
"I always migrated from one place to other place because my work. my child always follow me where I go.
that's makes her become a girl who could quickly familiar with new people and can talk comfortably. But the bad thing is she's become a selfish person because she always move to one place to other place, that makes her do everything by herself and not too close to all my big family, including me and the wife. she couldn't give rise to a sense of kinship. it's so hard to owned some people now~

i think, my teacher daughter same like me..
i always follow my parents where they're go. always migrated! that's makes my parents want me live with my grandma because i always doing by myself what i want. i don't have real live like some children when they're child. i always learn something, some people think not important because there's people can do it for they are.
that's make me just have some best friend.. until now i dunno what kind of best friend!
i can comfortable with some people after that if i see what they doing wrong.. i can't accept it..
especially they're lie to me,!

i always try and try to accept what fault some person.. but they always makes same fault!
that makes me changed my attitude, my face so cool and lazy to speak!
so, this wrong for me???
yah, sometime this really wrong! but i think i can live by myself! i can do everything without some people always think if i never important for their.

but sometime! i really wanna have best friend who understand me.. always talk everything i have and her have.. there's no secret both of we.
i dunno how to search it?? how to have it?
because i always got a false friend! some they're maybe think about me if i just where their can see all assignment and after that forget me or they're come to me like a best friend, but after that lie to me >.<
so, what i can say they're my best friend?
on my high school i have best friend but now we're different place -__-

on my college!
i learn what type someone.. i know what kind a person real friendship or just want something!
i become someone knowing life really hard!
i'm still learn how to become a person not selfish.. become a person more be patient.. learn how to life independent!!

i'm also starting to close with my parents also my siblings..
now, i know! just parents also sibling always by my side when  makes fault.. they're always give a cheers up to makes smile!
they're always say what their don't want! never lie and never makes secret!
god always save me! god always give good a way! so i never alone! i can do everything by myself!!!


  1. 언니 이러지마... 내가 누군데 ? 언니의 친구지 ? 그치 ? 아냐 ?

  2. 네, 내 친구 과 내 동생! 슬프하지마..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고마워요!!! 사랑해요!!


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